Persatuan Tang Soo Do Malaysia  had organised our first NATIONAL VIDEO TANG SOO DO FORMATION CHAMPIONSHIP on  15 October 2020.

Due to COVID19 pandemic had dampen the usual sport activities, the face to face competition is not allowed for the year 2020.

In the spirit of the sport and the art of Tang Soo Do, we like to be constantly active, therefore we had organised our first Video national championship which is fully supported by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Youth and Sports. All participants received their certification of achievement and participation.



  • Program Name : Kejohanan Tang Soo Do Video Formasi Kebangsaan 2020
  • Execution date : 15 October 2020
  • Mode of conduct :  Zoom dan Whatapps
  • Activity timeline
  • 20 June 2020 –  Zoom briefing was conducted to all instructors and judges by KJN Chin Kok King, our Chief Technical Instructor
  • 29 Aug 2020 – Second Zoom  briefing was conducted to all instructors and judges by KJN Chin Kok King, our Chief Technical Instructor and coordinator
  • 16 Sept 2020 – 15 Oct 2020  to prepare and  video the formations using smartphone to sent to the coordinator via whatapps.
  • 15 Oct 2020 @ 11.59 pm – was the dateline to send the formation video to the coordinator via whatapps. Admission form using excel file format was sent via email from all instructors.
  • 16 0Oct 2020 – 18 Oct 2020 – timeline for the coordinator to check, prep the video to be distributed to the respective judges. Judges to review the video and score them individually. Later pass the scores to the coordinator using the prepared excel to be return to the coordinator to score tally via email.
  • 19 Oct 2020 – 22 Oct 2020 – timeline for judges to review the videos sent by the coordinator. By using the scoring excel sheets will given back to the coordinator via email by dateline 22 Oct 2020 @ 11.59 pm.
  • 23 Oct 2020 – 24 Oct 2020 – timeline for coordinator to check the scoring sheets received from all judges and prepare the winners listing for each categories.
  • 25 Oct 2020 – Announcement of the winners to all instructors via whatapps.
  • 26 Oct 2020 – Certificates are distributed their certificates thru pos to all participants thru their respective instructors.